A Guide On Growing Ginger In An Easy And Effective Way

Ginger, a plant from heaven, is a boon for humankind. The rhizome or root possesses high medicinal value among which some of the them have already been proven and some still need more scientific studies.

Let’s explore all the facts in detail about this heavenly species and try to grow it on our backyard. 




kingdom: plantae

Sub kingdom: Tracheobionta

super division: Spermatophyte

Division: Magnoliophyte

Class: Liliopsida

Subclass: Zingiberidae

Order: Zingiberaceae

Genus: Zingiber Mill

Spices: Zingiber Officinale Roscoe



The name ginger is derived from a sanskrit word ‘Stringa-vera’ which means “with a body like a horn”. It is a perennial herbaceous plant native to south east Asia. Rhizome of ginger which possesses multiple medicinal properties are consumed as a spice or food. This beautiful spicy ginger is being used as  a popular home remedy for various illness since ancient age (age immortal).

Either in the form of your fresh morning tea to soothing body lotion or in the form of tasty spicy curries to medicine; they are best in all the way i.e. both for taste and health. Ginger actually makes a good friendship with many ingredients such as pickle, beans and many more thus, form a perfect combination.


Nutritional Values of ginger:

Per 100 gram of ginger contains:


Total fat – 0.8 g

Saturated fat- 0.2 g

Sodium-13 mg

Total carbohydrate -18 g

Dietary Fiber-2 g

Sugar-1.7 g

Protein-1.8 g

Calcium-16.00 mg

Iron-0.60 mg

Potassium-415 mg


So, what makes ginger this beneficial? 

Ginger contains more than 400 chemicals. Its rhizome is rich in a bio-active component “gingerol” which makes them highly beneficial species with multiple health-related benefits. Gingerol consists of powerful antioxidant and inflammatory property. It  also helps to reduce oxidative stress and removes free radicles present in our body.

” Some Products produced from Ginger”

  • These commercial products might inversely affects your body rather than providing benefits as the commercial business products are mostly here for money not for the service. So, be aware of these adversely affecting products.
  • Make some paste in home and try to use the home-made products for extracting its greater benefits.


Some benefits of ginger is listed below:

1.Prevents Nausea

Intake of about 1-1.5 gram of ginger every day helps to prevent various types of nausea such as nausea due to morning sickness,  nausea during medication or nausea after surgery. Besides these, it also helps to ease a queasy stomach especially during pregnancy etc.

2. Antioxidant property:

Antioxidant property of ginger helps to prevent the heart disease, neurogenerative disease such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease,  and also helps to reduce reactive oxygen created in body due to chronic stress, and unhealthy lifestyle. Furthermore, some study have also provided evidence that ginger slows down growth of tumor and prevents the risk of kidney failure.

3. Anti-inflammatory :

Gingerol present in ginger lower the risk of inflammation by inhibiting the growth of many bacteria and viruses. Hence, it has been found to be very effective against oral bacteria and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Apart from these ginger could reduce allergic reactions too.

4. Helps for Arthritis and sore muscle:

Several studies have proved that regular intake of appropriate amount of ginger reduces risk of joint pain, arthritis and sore muscle. Although it doesn’t heal sore muscle quickly; it relaxes the muscle and make us feel relieved.

5.Lowers blood sugar and helps treat chronic indigestion:

It is also believed that ginger regulates insulin in better way and lowers blood sugar level. Many studies have already verified that ginger possesses some anti diabetic properties too.

6. Curbs Cancer Growth:

Gingerol in ginger also have protective efficacy against cancer. Some studies have made it transparent that bioactive molecule in ginger may slow down the growth of some cancers like colorectal, gastric, ovarian, liver, skin, breast, and prostate cancer.

7. Cures Constipation:

Ginger is an effective natural remedy for constipation. It contains natural laxative properties that helps to promote bowel movement and thus cure constipation. It also increases the heat generation in body that can helps in speeding up of sluggish digestion.

Along with these; there are many other assumed benefits of ginger practiced from ancient ages. But, there is still need of many scientific researches to identify its working mechanism and amount to intake for different uses.


Risk or side effect of ginger

Ginger is very good healer when taken in appropriate amount but when there exceeds the preferred dose (overdose), it starts to show its side effects. Besides this; people with some range of illness should also avoid ginger. Some of its risk are:

1.Above proper dose, intake of ginger causes Heartburn, Gas, Upset stomach, and Mouth irritation.

2.Ginger on skin may cause rashes to some person.

3.Ginger may not give proper result when you are under some other medication. Consult your doctor before you start taking ginger during medication.

4.Ginger may raise the risk of bleeding if you have bleeding disorder.

5. As ginger lowers blood pressure and blood sugar level, people  with low blood pressure and low blood sugar level must avoid it.


Production of Ginger (How to grow)

Various environmental factors and careful selection of maintenance techniques should be considered for the production of ginger from the period of sowing to harvesting. For the proper growth and development, the factors listed below should be considered with care:

Where to get

Ginger rhizome or tuber could be bought from nearest supermarket or nearby field.

Planting season

Ginger is found to do best when it is sown during late spring i.e. especially during the month of  April or May.

Climate and soil

It grows best in warm and humid climate. It prefer moderate rainfall during sowing time, heavy and well distributed rainfall during growing period and dry during harvesting period. It is prefer to provide water by following this simple techniques as rainfall indicate water requirement.

It prefer loose, loamy and rich organic soil. Hence, it is better to pot mix soil with manure before sowing. In case of ginger it requires 8:2 ratio of manure and soil.


Cut the rhizome into small piece along with buds and plant it by digging about 15 cm depth with spacing between two ginger plant of 20-25cm.


Ginger usually become ready to harvest after 8 months. It could be harvested when leaves turn into yellow and dry.

Between the period of sowing seed to harvesting;  weeding must be done in certain regular interval i.e. between each 2 weeks or 2 and half weeks.

Along with all these requirements, insecticides and fungicide must be provided to the plant to protect it until the period of harvesting.


Do you know? (IQ/Interesting facts)

“India is the largest producer as well as consumer of ginger in the world.”







Prativa Bhatta

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