How to grow blueberry plant at home and ?

blueberry seedling plant

 Learn about blueberries and how to grow Blueberries plant in a simple way

Did you know Blueberries have been suggested to prevent Cancer and protect you from different heart diseases and you can plant them easily in your house without overthinking about pests and diseases. Read the article below to learn how…


Blueberries are one the most popular and healthful fruits that are enriched with a lot of flavors as well as dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, iron, and some antioxidants. Blueberries originate as well as are found widely in North America. Within some parts of Europe as well as Asia, blueberries are cultivated. Blueberry plants take a lot of time to grow. They can be consumed either as a dessert fruit or even can be baked in different varieties of pastries. Originally, it can be considered as a wetland plant. The time of harvest can vary from May to  August. 

blueberry plant during fall seasson Blueberry plant during fall

grow bluberries in home


Climatic Conditions

Blueberries grow to their full potential during the summer season or in full sun. It can tolerate higher temperatures. Different types of Blueberries require different types of climatic conditions to grow. Northern highbush and Northern lowbush blueberries require cold climate to produce fruit as well as Rabbiteye and southern highbush requires mild or hot climate to produce fruit. Flowers and fruits can be damaged by late spring frost. During harvest, Fruit quality can be adversely affected by high temperatures.



  • Wild or lowbush Blueberries reproduce by cross-pollination.
  • The flowers are found to be bell-shaped and white, pale, red or pink in color.
  • Generally, Blueberries fruits have (0.2 – 0.6) inch diameter.
  • Blueberry plants grow at a steady pace and reach their maximum size in 8 to 10 years.
  • The bushes of Blueberry plants are very attractive and beautiful.
  • Northern high bush blueberries are naturally disease resistant.
  • They are much easier to maintain.
  • They live and bear fruits for around half a century.


Soil type

The blueberries can grow on any type of soil if and if they are well-drained. They grow well in soil that is acidic. The PH value of soil must be limited between 4 – 5. Well-drained and loose soil must be managed to grow blueberry plants.



Acid fertilizers are best for blueberries since blueberries naturally thrive in acidic soil. Fertilize them in the spring, however, you should not go overboard with acid fertilizers as too much fertilizer can have adverse effects on the blueberry plant which might affect the overall yield. 


Planting Technique

  1. Get a box of blueberries from supermarket.

    blueberry from store

  2. Collect some blueberry seeds by squeezing and cleaning the fruit out. They have huge number of seeds in them.collecting blue berry seeds
  3. Put it in a paper towel and spray some water to keep it moist. Fold the paper towel so these seeds don’t berry seeds in paper towel
  4. Fold it so they can nicely fit inside a small plastic ziplock bag.blueberry seeds in zip lock bag
  5. In the early stages, blueberry plants can be grown in a pot or cup. Don’t forget to maintain moisture environment around them for faster sprouting of seeds. 
  6. Blueberry Plants in cupblueberry seedling plantYoung blueberry plant
  7. The pot should have acidic soil for the best growth of blueberries. To make sure that soil is acidic enough, use acidic composts such as oak leaves, or some sawdust or any organic matter to boost the original acidity.2-year old blueberry plant2 years old blueberry plant 
    blue berry plants
  8. Their roots are shallow compared to other types of shrub plants so they need a lot of water for them to grow properly so don’t forget to water them every often possible.
  9. If roots do grow deep enough to the point they can’t be grown in a pot, they can be transplanted onto the field and plant them in a sunlit berry stem
  10. If you are trying to plant several blueberries at the same time, make sure to plant them as far apart as possible and dig holes twice as large as the root base.
  11. During the growth process, check if the soil has a pH of 5.5 lower. Maintain that level throughout the growth period. 



Blueberry plants also need pruning. Prune out old, weak, diseased, dead or dying parts of the blueberry plants. This will help plant to focus on health branches and grow faster. 

Planting Strategies

  • Northern Highbush variety of blueberry is strongly recommended to grow. These are much easier to maintain as they naturally resist pests and diseases.
  • Try to plant them in Spring or Fall for optimum yield and full sunlit locations. Ensure that you’re properly watering the plants.
  • Plant them a little elevated from the ground. This makes sure that the water will drain easily.
  • Blueberries are a type of shrub, so they take up a lot of space near them, so don’t plant it near each other. More than 6ft in either direction is ideal for planting blueberries.


Health Benefit

  • Blueberries are incredible for your heart.
  • They are beneficial for maintaining your blood sugar level.
  • It improves your overall Cognition.
  • Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, so they help prevent cell damage over time.
  • They can enhance the digestion power of the human body.
  • It helps to fight cancer and even prevent hair loss.


Nutritional facts ( a cup of blueberries)

  1. 84 calories
  2. 1.1g protein
  3. 0.49g fat
  4. 21.45g carbohydrate
  5. 3.6g dietary fiber
  6. 14.74g total sugars.
  7. 24% daily Vitamin C
  8. 5% daily Vitamin B6
  9. 36% daily Potassium



Interesting Fun Facts

  • Modern blueberries were invented in the 20th century.
  • Blueberries get frozen within 4 minutes.
  • Blueberries have a high level of anthocyanins, the compound that makes blueberries color blue.
  • A single blueberry bush can produce up to 6,000 blueberries annually.
  • Blueberries were called “star berries” by Native Americans.
  • It can also be considered as antidepressants.



Suman marahatha

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6 thoughts on “A Guide on How to Plant, Grow and Care Bleeding heart flowers?

    1. The best place is amazon at your location. Try checking some agro stores around you. Let us know for more questions.

  1. A very interesting article. I thought they were part of pilea peperomioids. These nasturtium grow like weeds where I live in southern part of South Africa. The only problems are snails. They are hardy and face drought conditions well. We don’t get frost. I love them xx

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